Texas Permitless Carry Online Course

Want to conceal or open carry a handgun in Texas without a license? Our permitless carry class, or also known as constitutional carry, provides all the information you need to know to legally carry your gun in public without a license or permit.

No Test

No License

No Application

1 hour long online class. All video and audio based. Start at any time and complete at your own pace.

What You Will Learn:

About Texas Permitless Carry: Permitless Carry in Texas, also commonly referred to constitutional carry, went into effect on September 1st of 2021. This means that, in general, you can conceal or open carry a handgun in Texas without a license or permit. There are many laws and regulations that apply however, and it is every persons responsibility to know these before carrying a gun. Just because you can legally purchase a firearm, does not mean you will meet the eligibility requirements for permitless carry. 

Does this replace the Texas License to Carry?

Absolutely not. The Texas License to Carry program does not go away with permitless carry. In fact, with an LTC, you can carry in more places with less restrictions, receive legal protections as well as multiple other crucial benefits. However if you do not meet the eligibility requirements for the LTC, or don’t want to get one for any other reason, permitless carry is the way to go. 

Texans now have two options for carrying a gun. The License to Carry and Permitless Carry.